Soteria Life Center

Where LOVE Inspires GROWTH

INSPIRATION For A Successful 2024

Click to discover God's plan for you in 2024.



The Vision of Soteria Life Center

To become one of the premier ministries in Hampton Roads providing God’s grace, peace, love, and life-transforming Word to every person who walks through our doors, joins us online, or in whom we are in contact.

OUR MOTTO: SLC: very important men and women serving very important men and women!

Our Mission Statement

The mission of Soteria Life Center is to produce life-givers by teaching “the Word” with simplicity and understanding to such a degree that they achieve the same results as Jesus Christ, the Anointed one and his anointing, who went about doing good, and healing all who were oppressed of the devil. We believe that Soteria: deliverance, preservation, healing, soundness, restoration, wholeness, and prosperity is available to believers in this lifetime. It is our goal to assist the body of Christ in becoming “Soterians,” so they can change their own lives, those with whom they are in contact, and ultimately the world.


Sundays - 10:15am

Wednesdays - 7:00pm


Sundays - 9:45am

Wednesdays - 6:45pm

936 S Church Street Smithfield, VA 23430 GOOGLE MAP

Our Pastors

Pastor Perry Moss Jr.

Pastor Perry Moss Jr.

Pastor Perry Moss, Jr. is the senior pastor of Soteria Life Center, a non-denominational church whose mission is to help people develop spiritually so they can fulfill their destiny. He takes his call of preparing the body of Christ to operate in miracles, signs, and wonders to demonstrate that God is very much alive very seriously. He believes the body of Christ should move outside the four-walls of the church and affect change throughout all spheres of culture, himself setting the example by personally accepting appointments on several community advisory boards. Pastor Moss is also a life coach assisting people and entrepreneurs in identifying their true gifts to ensure total life prosperity. He is married to Dr. Belinda G. Moss, Co-Pastor, conference speaker, and author. They both reside in Smithfield, Virginia. They have one daughter and a granddaughter whom they treasure.

Perry Moss Signature

Dr. Belinda G. Moss

Dr. Moss is Co-Pastor and Executive Director of Soteria Life Center. She is a retired Air Force officer who holds two Masters’ Degrees and a Doctorate in Counseling Supervision & Education. A firm believer in the 7 Mountain mandate, she teaches globally, the importance of the body of Christ defining and utilizing their gifts and talents to affect changes in this world—solutions deliverable only by believers. An accomplished author, her books, have brought her before great men and created a platform for her to change lives cross-culturally. She is married to Pastor Perry Moss, Jr., senior Pastor of Soteria Life Center. They both reside in Smithfield, Virginia and have one daughter, granddaughter, and now a great granddaughter whom they treasure.

Dr. Moss Signature
Dr. Moss

Upcoming events

No Special Events Scheduled At This Time

Weekly Services

Sundays – 10:15am
Wednesdays – 7:00pm

936 S Church Street
Smithfield, VA 23430

Live Replays

Sunday Replays

Excerpt of Todays Message:
The body of Christ must mature and develop to understand the heart of their King of Glory. Who is this King of Glory—what is His Glory truly all about?  In this teaching, Dr. Moss answers these pivotal, yet unexplored questions. She discloses that the intent of God has always been to receive Glory. Yes, He wants glory—but not for Himself to just be glorious. It is because of His intense love for His creation that He passionately wants to share this Glory with them so they can experience His completeness—His beauty, power, knowledge, truth, goodness, and happiness; a deep fulfillment and complete well-being. Through this they will not only experience the same fullness found in Him but be empowered to manifest this glory to affect change throughout the earth as prophesied in Hab 2:14.

⛪️ 🪑There's a seat waiting for you! :
Soteria Life Center
936 S Church Street
Smithfield, VA 23430

⏰ Service Times:
- Sundays @ 10:15 am in person / 10:45 am livestream
- Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm in person/  7:15 pm livestream

🪙 🌱 We encourage all of those who are part of our ministry to sow a seed of faith —but we believe in grace-based giving, not law-based giving, i.e., under compulsion or fear. Here are the ways to help support the ministry, the community, & God's works:
📲 Text To Give: 757-300-0087   $ ”Amount”
💻 Online Giving:

God bless you!

Excerpt of Todays Message:
The body of Christ must mature and develop to understand the heart of their King of Glory. Who is this King of Glory—what is His Glory truly all about? In this teaching, Dr. Moss answers these pivotal, yet unexplored questions. She discloses that the intent of God has always been to receive Glory. Yes, He wants glory—but not for Himself to just be glorious. It is because of His intense love for His creation that He passionately wants to share this Glory with them so they can experience His completeness—His beauty, power, knowledge, truth, goodness, and happiness; a deep fulfillment and complete well-being. Through this they will not only experience the same fullness found in Him but be empowered to manifest this glory to affect change throughout the earth as prophesied in Hab 2:14.

⛪️ 🪑There's a seat waiting for you! :
Soteria Life Center
936 S Church Street
Smithfield, VA 23430

⏰ Service Times:
- Sundays @ 10:15 am in person / 10:45 am livestream
- Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm in person/ 7:15 pm livestream

🪙 🌱 We encourage all of those who are part of our ministry to sow a seed of faith —but we believe in grace-based giving, not law-based giving, i.e., under compulsion or fear. Here are the ways to help support the ministry, the community, & God's works:
📲 Text To Give: 757-300-0087 $ ”Amount”
💻 Online Giving:

God bless you!

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Soteria Life Center September 23, 2024 12:56 am

Wednesday Replays

How To Grieve Book


An Innovative Solution

The bite of loss can leave its mark on you and everyone around you. If allowed, it has the power to mark you so deeply that your heart can feel severed forever. However, God desires to comfort those who mourn. The challenge is many don’t know where to begin to put the pieces of life back together again or to accept permission to “live and love again.” In this book you will obtain the tools you need to process through great emotional distress whether through the death of a loved one or divorce or other abandonment concerns; and also, to obtain power, energy, and restoration. Yes, you, too, can live and love again.


A Spiritual Enlightenment on a Dark Subject

Don’t be fooled by thinking you can manage depression or that managing it is good enough! No, you must annihilate depression if you want to be delivered once and all from this recurring oppressive spirit that is keeping you from enjoying a good life. Everything necessary to rule and reign in life has already been made available to believers. The problem is ignorance of the plan of God for your life and Satan’s strategies for thwarting God’s plan. In this book, Dr. Belinda Moss shares with you her grueling battle with depression with three suicide attempts, one with a .357 magnum that misfired and how she permanently conquered depression and suicide ideation. She will equip you with everything you need to know to annihilate depression ONCE AND FOR ALL.
Depression Exposed
Personal Mastery


The Believer’s Roadmap to Destiny

Many people have high IQ’s but a much lower EQ, leaving them prey for emotional breakdowns and a life unfulfilled. This book will help you learn how to navigate through life victoriously, utilizing the wisdom of God and His plan for your life. Equally important, Personal Mastery will teach you how to proof your heart, emotions and thinking powers so that you can keep yourself empowered during times of adversity, master, the art of fulfillment and revolutionize your life. Ultimately, this book will transform you into someone bigger than your fears and greater than your past and help you achieve the life in which you dared to dream.

Self Mastery

The Lost Key to Living an Overcoming and Fulfilling Life

In this secular version of Personal Mastery, the Believer’s Roadmap to Destiny, Dr. Moss presents similar information for use by those who have not yet made a decision that Christ is all they need. She craftily shares wisdom from above, without scripture context, to answer the fundamental question why some people pilot their lives with great resilience, while others are derailed by suicide or other debilitating thoughts and behavior. She purports it’s because success is not based on the things that you do; it is based on your state of being. In this book you will learn how to navigate your life with such accuracy that you will no longer zigzag through life but follow a course that will guide you strait to your destiny.
Self Mastery
Unveiling Your Divine Destiny


Many people have high IQ’s but a much lower EQ, leaving them prey for emotional breakdowns and a life unfulfilled. This book will help you learn how to navigate through life victoriously, utilizing the wisdom of God and His plan for your life. Equally important, Personal Mastery will teach you how to proof your heart, emotions and thinking powers so that you can keep yourself empowered during times of adversity, master, the art of fulfillment and revolutionize your life. Ultimately, this book will transform you into someone bigger than your fears and greater than your past and help you achieve the life in which you dared to dream.

Perry Moss is a retired Air Force officer whose professional training, profound teaching gift, and respect and recognition in the community, resulted in his appointment to several advisory boards in the town of Smithfield and Isle of Wight County, Virginia. A former member of the YMCA Board, he was instrumental in the expansion of several programs to accommodate disadvantaged families. As a member of Community Help In Progress, (C.H.I.P.) a partnership between the Smithfield Police Department and members of the local community, he assisted in identifying and empowering at-risk children to ensure equal opportunity, regardless of demographics. Selected as a member of the Isle of Wight County Schools’ Action Team, he was not only instrumental in bridging the gap between parents and school officials, but in improving the educational system in the Isle of Wight School District. Amidst all of these accolades, his true heart is that of a soul winner—ministering to anything that moves.

Dr. Belinda G. Moss is an anointed speaker and writer specializing in empowering people of all faiths and lifestyles to grow and develop emotionally and spiritually to achieve their divine purpose. At some point, she purports, “you must get the right purpose for you being here.” This is one of the many gifts she has been graced with for the Body of Christ. A prolific writer, her first work, “Depression Exposed, A Spiritual Enlightenment on A Dark Subject,” is not only transforming lives in the religious community, but is also being used by government agencies, particularly the armed forces, to empower their people to persevere in the midst of adversity. Her wisdom has landed her on television stations both nationally and globally. Now the author of five books, her latest book, “Unveiling Your Divine Destiny,” is sure to educate and mobilize people out of insignificance into influencers. Dr. Moss is the CEO and founder of A Fresh Start Freedom Initiative, Inc. a program designed to reduce the recidivism rate in our penal systems by transforming the lives of nonviolent, first-time offenders. This woman will not quit until she has completed every assignment that will make a monumental impact on suffering humanity.