Men of Purpose


The men of SLC are called by God to assume the role of spiritual leadership and make a positive difference in the lives of men. SLC men demonstrate the love of God and cultivate Christ-Centered relationships, discipleship and service within our homes, community, and ultimately the world. 

Our Scripture:

Proverbs 27:17: “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”


  • Involve men in witnessing and teaching the Word of God…Mark 16:15
  • Build strong Godly character and encourage continued growth…Philippians 4:8
  • Develop leadership skills and help men assume their leadership role…1 Timothy 4:12
  • Mentor one another and encourage growth by building each other up in Christ… Proverbs 11:14
  • Present opportunities for men to fellowship with one another in Christ…Matthew 18:20
  • Be a strong witness in our communities by mentoring young boys and adolescents—our future
  • Fatherhood initiative: Teach kingdom principles to fathers to stop the cycle of crime, abuse, and unproductivity.